Berengaria’s famous guests
Known for his luxurious tastes, King Farouk owned collections of rare stamps, coins, jewelry, and cars. His wardrobe boasted a thousand tailor-made suits.
King Farouk I of Egypt & Sudan
Weizman was a pilot in World War II and Israel’s War of Independence. Weizman enjoyed a luxurious stay at Berengaria before his presidency between 1993 and 2000.
Ezer Weizman, Israeli president, 1993−2000
Makarios III was one of the leaders of Cyprus’s national liberation struggle. He was first elected president of the Cyprus Republic in 1959 and was then elected president for a second term in 1968 with an outstanding 95.45% of the population’s votes. Makarios III was well acquainted with the Berengaria and visited the hotel frequently during his presidency.
Archbishop Makarios III, President of Cyprus, 1959−1977
Papadopoulos was elected President of the Republic of Cyprus on February 28, 2003.
On April 16 of the same year, he signed the treaty on the accession of Cyprus to the European Union in Athens. He was invited to lunch at the Berengaria in 1971 and witnesses say he spent time at the hotel bar and enjoyed drinks and salted nuts.
Tassos Papadopoulos, President of Cyprus, 2003−2008
The princess was a prominent Cypriot philanthropist and socialite, known for her charitable work. Princess Zena always admired Prodromos village, and in 1960 she built a majestic house not far from the Berengaria with verandas and a swimming pool, where she welcomed honoured guests.
Princess Zena Kanther de Tyras
During his visit to Cyprus in 1907, Churchill emphasised the development of transport infrastructure and communications, and the need for reforestation. He largely shaped Britain’s policy towards Cyprus for years to come, including the post-war period and preparations for the establishment of an independent Cyprus state.
Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1940−1945 and 1951−1955
After Angela’s birth in Cyprus, her family moved to London but repeatedly returned to the island for long periods. Angela has always called herself a "Cypriot by heart and spirit", recalling her childhood and young years in Cyprus. "I do not have a Cypriot passport or Cypriot nationality, but in my heart, I am a true Cypriot," she says. Angela visited the Berengaria in her youth and recalls wanting to spend time with other children in Troodos and enjoying the feeling of freedom.
Angela Bowie, Cypriot-American model, actress and musician